"If you're not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original"

Saturday, November 17, 2012

transition period

The lion is done as of about one hour ago... Thank god. I like the way it turned out overall. Bob gave me my favorite critique response - that it's a self portrait. And he's right... About a third of my way through my piece I started thinking of it as just that. That, and I thought it would look cool. A little cartoony and the color, pattern, and subject matter were the focus. Result? Acceptable. Happy about the self portrait. There's a bunch of pictures of the process that I hope to post soon.. But here's the final!

1 comment:

  1. The self portrait is really cool Kristen. Viewing the portrait as a whole I could not figure out whether or not it was developed with 3D components was it a flat piece of paper?? Was my first question. There is a softness in her snout that I really like. love Terry xoxoxo
